All powers belong to Jesus by Br Virtue ft Sis Victoria Uhiene

By Monday 9th of September 2024
There is no power greater than you Lord
 There is no Kingdom greater than you Lord
 Adoration it all belongs to you 
you are greater than any other god.

1. You are greater than any other god 
You are great great greatly to be praised 
You walked upon the sea You raise the dead to life power power belongs to you 
In heaven and on earth
 you are bigger bigger than any other God
 All sufficient God
 you are greater than the greatest 
Reliable God
Dependable God
All other god na wayo o Capable God o
 all power belongs to you
The heaven is your throne
 The Earth is your footstool
You are the God that never fails
 you remaineth the same you are greater greater than any other God.

2. Papa I hail your name
All power belongs to you you are the first and the last
The great and mighty one God of signs and wonders 
you do wonderful things No power can challenge your power
 In heaven and on Earth all power belongs to you Lion of Judah 
you reign forever more you are great great greatly to be praised 
All sufficient God 
All power belongs to you The rose of Sharon 
All power belongs to you 

3. Call: Great and mighty God all power belongs to you 
All: Reliable God all power belongs to you 

Call: The king of glory all power belongs to you 
All: Dependable God all power belongs to you
Power belongs it belongs to you 
Dominion belongs it belongs to you 
Jesus power belongs to you 
Saviour all power all belongs to you 
Jesus power belongs to you
 saviour all power belongs to you

 Call: In heaven and on earth all power belongs to you 
All: Dependable God all power belongs to you 

Call:The rose of Sharon all power belongs to you 
All: Reliable God all power belongs to you Jesus power belongs to you 
saviour all power belongs to you 
you are greater greater than any other god 