Jesus must reign by John Zino

By vicky684 Sunday 8th of September 2024

Jesus shall reign forever more, he must reign forever more, l say my LORD must reign forever, Jesus must reign.

He will REIGN ~ reign
From Shore to shore ~ shore
He will REIGN ~ reign
The lord Jesus ~ must reign 
He will REIGN ~ reign
From COAST to coast ~ coast
He will REIGN  reign 
The lord Jesus ~ must reign
He will REIGN ~ reign
All over the world ~ world
He will REIGN ~ reign
The lord Jesus ~ must reign
Let him reign ~ reign
In your life today ~ today
Let him reign ~ reign
So you may reign ~ with him. ~ (repeat chorus)

1. Let him REIGN in your life today
Let him in your heart.
Oh let's Praise him, till the end of day.
Let us worship him forever more. ~ Chorus

I'm gonna praise him till the end of day
I'm gonna let him have his way. ~ (repeat chorus)

Talk.  (While repeating chorus)
I say, let him REIGN
Let jesus reign in your life every day. Let him be your lord, surrender your life to him today.